When you have diabetes, keeping a close eye on your carbohydrate consumption and blood sugar levels is essential. Use Fildena 100 only after following your doctor's prescription. It is low in glycemic index. People with diabetes need to eat foods with a low glycemic index so they don't have to deal with a rapid rise in blood sugar levels. This means it will take your body longer to break down the carbohydrates you consume, leading to a rapid rise in your blood sugar levels and can cause your insulin level to go too low. On the other hand, low-glycemic foods release glucose gradually into your bloodstream and help to prevent a rapid increase in your blood sugar levels, and slow down the rate at which your insulin responds to the glucose. It ranks foods based on how much their carbohydrate content raises blood sugar. Several studies have shown that low-glycemic diets are effective for weight loss and reducing the risk of heart disease, cancer, and other heal...