If you're concerned about high pressure, there are things you can do to help prevent it. High pressure affects nearly half of all adults in the USA. Other Info: Fildena 100 | Fildena 25 Exercise A healthy diet lowers high blood pressure, but regular exercise can help. It can strengthen the heart, strengthen your bones and muscles, reduce cholesterol, and keep you at a healthier weight. It can also improve your mood, relieve stress, &ease some signs of depression. If you have yet to be active or are new to exercise, start slowly and work up to the recommended amount of time. When you're exercising, warm up and cool down regularly — it's especially important if you have high blood pressure. If you're already on blood pressure medications, talk with your doctor about what exercise is safe for you and how much you should do. Certain medications can decrease your blood pressure too much and cause dangerous side effects, such as lightheadedness...