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How to Avoid High Blood Pressure


If you're concerned about high pressure, there are things you can do to help prevent it.

High pressure affects nearly half of all adults in the USA. 

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A healthy diet lowers high blood pressure, but regular exercise can help. It can strengthen the heart, strengthen your bones and muscles, reduce cholesterol, and keep you at a healthier weight. It can also improve your mood, relieve stress, &ease some signs of depression.

If you have yet to be active or are new to exercise, start slowly and work up to the recommended amount of time.

When you're exercising, warm up and cool down regularly — it's especially important if you have high blood pressure. 

If you're already on blood pressure medications, talk with your doctor about what exercise is safe for you and how much you should do. Certain medications can decrease your blood pressure too much and cause dangerous side effects, such as lightheadedness or dizziness.

The best exercises for lowering your blood pressure raise your heart rate and respiration, such as running, walking, swimming, jogging, cycling, weight lifting, and yard work. 

If your task is less than 180/120, you should still exercise, but resting for a few minutes may be safer before re-taking your blood pressure.

In a study of people with resistant hypertension (high blood pressure that persists despite several prescription drugs), regular aerobic activity lowered their blood pressure to the same degree as one antihypertensive drug. But it took a 12-week supervised program to see the results.

If you have high blood pressure, start by getting a good night's sleep and eating healthy foods, and then work your way up to regular exercise. You can try various activities, including brisk walking, jogging, or swimming, and working with friends and family to help each other stick with it.

Eat a Healthy Diet

Eating a healthy diet can help you avoid high blood pressure, a common health problem that can cause serious complications. 

To prevent high blood pressure, it's recommended that you eat a balanced diet that includes lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy products.

You should eat less salt than usual and choose low-sodium or no-salt versions of your favorite foods. For example, opt for sliced chicken breast instead of cold cuts, or skip the french fries and go with fresh fruit and salads.

If you can't afford a healthy diet, look for SNAP benefits at your local grocery store or online shopping services offering discounted health-conscious items. 

A diet that focuses on various fruits, vegetables, oats, nuts, lentils, herbs, and spices can be a helpful way to improve your health and lower your blood pressure. 

A good way to ensure you're getting enough protein in your diet is to add beans, poultry without skin, fish, and soy products. You can also include more nuts and seeds and limit your red meat.

Avoid Smoking

Smoking is one of the leading causes of premature death in the United States, and it also increases the risk of heart disease and other serious conditions.

Tobacco smoke is full of nicotine, which makes it addictive. It also contains toxins, such as carbon monoxide and other chemicals. 

In addition, smoking can lead to the buildup of fatty substances inside your arteries (a condition called atherosclerosis). This can increase your risk for heart disease and other health problems.

To avoid high blood pressure, quit smoking as soon as possible. You will feel a big difference in your health and quality of life.

Quitting smoking can help lower your risk of high blood pressure and other health conditions, like lung cancer and emphysema. You can try using a stop-smoking medication or joining a smoking cessation program to kick the habit for good.

Your body will start feeling healthier within an hour after you stop smoking. 

You may have trouble getting past the urge to smoke when craving it, but resisting the temptation is always better for your health. Deep breathing, taking a walk, or focusing on something else can sometimes help you stop before you light up.

Another way to beat a craving is by eating something that doesn't have a lot of calories, such as carrot or celery sticks, sugar-free hard candies, or gum. These foods and drinks can provide a small boost to your energy and keep you distracted while you're trying to beat the urge.

Limit the alcohol you have each day, and avoid drinking on an empty stomach.

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Manage Stress

This is because stress causes the body to produce hormones like adrenaline that trigger your 'fight or flight' response, making your heart beat faster and work harder. This can damage the major organs and blood vessels.

However, it's important to know that it is perfectly normal for your blood pressure to rise briefly when you feel stressed, as this is what your body needs to handle the situation. Once the stress has passed, your blood pressure will return to its normal level.

If you're worried that your stress is impacting your health, talk to your doctor about ways to reduce your stress. They can recommend a range of methods that you can use to help relieve stress, such as relaxation techniques, meditation, and yoga.

It will help you take your mind off the things causing you stress and make you feel better in the long run.

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A study found that people who participated in a stress-reducing program called Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) were more likely to lower their blood pressure than those who didn't participate in the program. This was because MBSR helped people focus on positive emotions instead of negative ones, improving their health.

A therapist can also help reduce your stress, for example, using cognitive behavioral therapy or other strategies to change how you think and respond to stressful situations. They can also help you manage stress by discussing it with a professional and creating healthy boundaries.

Next Article: How Vitamins And Minerals Help You Every Day


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