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How Vitamins And Minerals Help You Every Day

Whenever you bike commute to work, cheer on a rainbow, or shake your booty at a dance party, vitamins, and minerals help your body do its thing. But getting enough of these essential nutrients can be challenging because foods aren't naturally rich in them, and they're tougher to absorb through cooking, storage, and air exposure.

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The food we eat is an important source of vitamins &minerals. But we also need these nutrients from supplements or other references to maintain a healthy body.

Vitamins & minerals are organic compounds that are important for the health of your body. They are present in small amounts in a wide range of natural foods. If you are not getting enough of these vitamins &minerals, your body may require help functioning normally.

Others are fat-soluble, which means they don't dissolve in water but can be absorbed along with dietary fat.

These vitamins are found in meat, fish, dairy products, &fortified breakfast cereals. 

They are a key part of the body's ability to make collagen, which knits wounds together and forms the base for teeth and bones. 

Another important fat-soluble vitamin is vitamin K, which helps prevent the formation of blood clots and can help protect against hemorrhagic strokes. 

Several minerals are needed to maintain a healthy body, including calcium and phosphorus. These minerals help build muscles and support the nervous system. They also fight oxidation and help your body absorb oxygen from food.

Vitamin C helps to build tissue and strengthens the immune system. 

Many people are low in vitamin C, but it's easy to get the daily recommended amount from food alone. 

If you need extra help, talk to your doctor about taking a multivitamin or another supplement.


Minerals help your body do everything from making enzymes and hormones to keeping bones, muscles, and the heart working. 

While the body can store some vitamins, it can't keep all of them, so you need to consume them regularly.

They can be found in most foods, but many people need more. 

Most minerals are solids, defined by their chemical composition and crystal structure. They are also grouped by their physical properties and the type of element they contain, including silicates (silicon), oxides, sulfates, halides, and carbonates.

Some crystalline minerals form a regular geometric shape when heated or compressed at certain temperatures and pressures. Other minerals are amorphous, which means they don't have a definite crystalline structure.

They're in the metals we use to build cars and buildings, the talcum powder we rub on our bodies, cosmetics, the pigments in paints, and even the minerals used to make mobile phones and computers.

For example, quartz comprises the compound silicon dioxide and has one silicon atom for every two oxygen atoms. 

Other minerals are based on a single element, such as table salt, which comprises sodium and chlorine. Some are combinations of features that are derived from nature, such as rhodochrosite, which is a manganese carbonate mineral that is also cut as a gemstone.

The chemical formula of a mineral is important because it helps scientists understand how it's formed and how to separate it from other natural solid substances. For example, stishovite and quartz are minerals that contain the same chemical compound but have different crystal structures.

Food Sources

Both nutrients are essential to the body's normal function and growth, but they differ in how easily they can be absorbed through our food.

A healthy diet can include the following:

  • Fruit and veggies.
  • Dairy products.
  • Meat and poultry.
  • Nuts and seeds.
  • Legumes (like beans and lentils).

Some veggies are especially high in these nutrients, including green peas, butternut squash, and tropical fruit like papaya.

They contain many minerals, including calcium, iron, phosphorus, iodine, manganese, and copper.

Other key minerals are sodium and potassium. If you are concerned about the amount of sodium in your family's diet, try cutting down on processed foods and eating more fresh vegetables. Plenty of potassium-rich foods, including dried apricots, potatoes, and green leafy vegetables.

Some other important vitamins are riboflavin, thiamin, pantothenic acid, and folic acid. These vitamins are essential for a healthy nervous system and muscle function. 

These essential vitamins help you grow and develop, protect your eyesight, skin, and immune function, and release energy from food. Various fruits and veggies are also high in these vitamins, including carrots, sweet potatoes, broccoli, spinach, and beetroot.

In addition to containing all the vitamins and minerals you need, fruit and veggies are also packed with phytochemicals, chemicals made by plants that may reduce your risk of certain chronic diseases, including cancer and heart disease. These chemicals are also found in whole grains, legumes, and nuts.


Every day, your body does many things that require vitamins and minerals. It churns out rich red blood that delivers oxygen and nutrients to distant destinations; sends nerve signals along pathways thousands of miles long, issuing instructions to help you function; and produces chemical messengers that transport nutrients from one organ to another and are the very essence of cellular activity.

The most important thing is ensuring you get enough of these nutrients by eating a balanced diet. But if you're not or suffer from a health condition or a medication that leaves you deficient in certain vitamins and minerals, supplements can help.

They can be absorbed directly from these sources or indirectly from a plant that has eaten a mineral-rich plant.

However, some people need more than the recommended daily allowance (RDA) or benchmark number, and supplementation may be useful in these situations.

You'll want to find a safe supplement that won't cause any side effects but won't interact with your medications.

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You'll also want to read the label closely and ensure you take only a few simultaneously. Some supplements can have a high dose in one pill or serving and may contain ingredients you're not already getting in your diet.

Regarding dietary supplements, make sure you're purchasing from a trusted brand and look for third-party testing. Some companies will even test their accessories against others to ensure safety.

Next Article:  How Can Depression Be Treated?


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